There are real world uses cases, but the enterprise customers are way far behind in figuring them out. A step change in ease of use and deployment would change this, but we’re not there yet. Claude can kind of code, but we’re a ways an away from full coding to deployment using natural language.
Yup, I don't think anyone other than the hardcore AI skeptics doubts that there are real world use cases. But it takes a lot of work to get from a real world use case to adoption by an enterprise. Often the hurdles are human, not technological.
There are real world uses cases, but the enterprise customers are way far behind in figuring them out. A step change in ease of use and deployment would change this, but we’re not there yet. Claude can kind of code, but we’re a ways an away from full coding to deployment using natural language.
Yup, I don't think anyone other than the hardcore AI skeptics doubts that there are real world use cases. But it takes a lot of work to get from a real world use case to adoption by an enterprise. Often the hurdles are human, not technological.
Exactly. It’s the old guys that are blockers, except for Jamie Dimon.